Thursday, 22 December 2011

Hai & Hello
to everyone especially those for the reading of my blog . HEHE .
before that , I just wanna say Thank You very much to follow my blog .

Today , but its not today , padahal last week kowt bnde nie berlaku .tapi baru hari nie nak kecoh 1 blog . HAHA
I just wanna share for my result that i'm study in MICET . jeng3 .

but i'm not to show u my result . hihi . sorry guys .  ;)
actually my result not soooo PROUD laa . but I'm totally bersyukur kpd ILAHI sbb apa yg kita dah buat yg terbaik kan .
Terima Kasih kpd kawan2 yg membantu dan family yg memberi dorongan utk terus belajar , and the special one give a spirit to me to study . HIHI
soo kpd korang jugak lah . walaupun result xseberapa nak bangga sgt . tp bersyukur apa yg kita telah dpt . dan juga memperbaiki kelemahan pd diri kita masing2 OKAY? .  cheer up man ! GOOD to hear that .  :)

Hey2 guys . belum abis lg laaaa . HEHE
just nak share my experience on my study .
now . I'm end of semester 3 . next year will be semester 4 . wow . sooo fast la i think . btw . not to rushing2 . please be steady and smart .  :)
errr...before2 this . my result for sem 2 n sem 1 not toooooo proud and its so dissapointed for me . its feeling like crushed on my future . thats what i feel . really scary . i just said my CGPA was BELOW 2.00 .
and u will said "what theee heckkkkss" or something very insane word for got thats result . am i rite ?  HEHE  :)

sometimes ORANG kata DIPLOMA relax2 je tak rushing mcm matrik or foundation . ? betul ke ?
haaaaaaa.......siapa kata senang ? mmgla tak senang kalau tak study kan . actually not all course and study are easy . its up to urself to handle and manage it .
thats why its happen to me . terlalu sangat dengar cakap ORANG2 . haihhhhhhh .
tapi apa2 pun jangan salahkan mereka . salahkan diri sndiri okay .
antara sebab2 nya : korang banyak main , terlalu relax . study ala kadar je . pikir gf or bf laa .
tak salah korang nak main ke apa ke . tapi just MANAGE TIME dgn betul . itu yg paling penting kalau tak MANAGE dgn betul  , abisla korang dihanyutkan oleh arus tak tentu hala .
thats happen to me . so I just share and advice to everybody and for me too .

I just want give u guys a tips to be successful in study . There are study , focus in class ,bertnya jika tak paham (jgn berlagak pandai), study group or whatever ,  jgn lupa solat 5 waktu and juga berdoa kpd MAHA PENCIPTA . lastly , tawakal apa yg kita da usahakan selama ini .

before end of this topic . those who get a better result dont be sellfish and please be a teacher for those are not in good result . share your knowledge to others is a good and make u remember that knowledge stronger . and maintain your result if u cant achieve more than that and not to lower than that okay . NICE ! Study smart . not too hard .    :)

THANKS . see you again next topic . ;)